Scientific Abstract

  • Abstracts must be structured and Include sections such as Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • Abstracts can be presented in following sections:
    1. Original research
    2. Educational exhibits highlight spectrum of imaging findings, review radiological signs, radiologicalpathological comelation or describe innovative radiological procedure
    3. Case series
  • The abstract should not exceed the word limit of 250 words.
  • Use clear and concise language to convey the key points of your research.
  • Abstract submission deadline will be 15th of July 2024
  • Late submissions will not be considered for review. The deadline will not be extended.
  • Abstracts must present original research, case studies, or reviews in the field of chest radiology/intervention.
  • Presenters must be registered attendees of the conference.
  • All abstracts will undergo a blind peer-review process by a panel of experts
  • Criteria for evaluation will include scientific merit, relevance, clarity, and originality
  • Accepted abstracts may be selected for oral or poster presentation
  • Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by 1st of August 2024.
  • Presenters of accepted abstracts must adhere to the conference's presentation guidelines
  • Oral presentations should be engaging and informative, while poster presentations should be visually appealing and concise.
  • Educational posters must be in electronic format and will be displayed on a digital screen in the conference venue.
  • Selected oral presentations will be intimated by 1st of August 2024. The oral presentations will be on powerpoint and be for 6 minutes duration with 2 minutes for questions and discussion.
  • Abstract can only be submitted online.
  • Follow the submission instructions carefully to ensure successful submission.

Click Here to Submit Your Abstract :